Local Artist Clayton Sturgeon
We first met Clayton Sturgeon about 7 years ago playing a solo gig at a dive bar deep in the hood of Daytona Beach. It was our only time in that place, we stayed and drank because he was hitting on all cylinders playing acoustic grunge tunes.
The next time we saw him on stage it was with the infamous cover band Nova Rex headlined by original member Kenny Wilkerson. I believe Clayton was actually playing Bass guitar.
Through the years we have watched him on stage and watched his genius grow from being the front man at sold out Tribute to Nirvana shows at the House of Blues Orlando where he plays the role of Kurt Cobain to a tee to playing solo gigs at local venues that stretch from St. Augustine to Melbourne Florida. Clayton has played internationally as well and toured with the likes of Will Hunt the drummer from Evanescence and the Black Label Society.
Clayton’s versatility is obvious in his writing and he touches the emotions with his lyrics not often reached by others. It may be that because he was recently married and had a baby that the passion for creating has now hit an all-time high.
Well Clayton has released quite a few songs over the past two years. We hope you will listen and enjoy as we think his music is pretty spot on.
Find him here Clayton Sturgeon claytonsturgeonmusic.com